NICODOM IR Inorganics Volume I - Minerals
Volume 1 of the infrared spectral library book
"NICODOM IR Inorganics" presents 600 FTIR spectra of minerals
(spectral range 4000-400cm-1). The spectra are shown in transmittance scale
(%T). The source of the samples chosen for this volume from the available
collection of more than 2.000 minerals was National Museum in Prague, Czech
Republic. The identity of most minerals was verified by X-ray diffraction
Minerals are inorganic compounds or mixtures of
natural origin. The spectra exhibit typical inorganic spectral features
dependent on atomic masses, interatomic forces and molecular geometry and bands
of typical impurities like calcite or quartz and products of alteration and
exsolution or water which can be present in fluid inclusions. This group of
compounds can be interesting for inorganic chemist when artificially prepared
compounds should be compared with natural ones but more likely this will be
used in mineralogy to identify unknown minerals. For all available minerals
several information are included.
Mineralogical name was taken from literature /2/,
the spelling was compared with literature /1/ and corrected. Diacritical marks
were not included, umlauts are presented e.g. ü = ue. For new minerals, which
were not found in literature /1/, the published names were taken. Similar
method was taken for chemical formulas and crystal structure. In cases where
different chemical formulas could be found in different sources, the formulas from
literature /1/ were taken.
Occurence of the studied minerals and the
information about color was taken from reference literature /2/. Occurence
might be of interest as infrared spectra of the same minerals from different
localities can be different due to different impurities.
Transmittance spectra were collected. This is
optimal in most cases as transmittance spectra are easier to interpret and
better reproducible, however this could be a limitation when the library should
be used for cases where only reflectance spectra can be applied e.g. for
solving remote sensing problems or for very rare minerals where nondestructive
analytical methods must be applied. Transmittance and reflectance spectra may
differ due to scattering effects.
This library is available
as printed book or scanned book (*.pdf file).
To download the list of
spectra from this library, to download a free demo library compatible with your
software, to check the format compatibility as well as for pricelist, ordering
info and information about all NICODOM IR/NIR Libraries and other NICODOM
products please visit our webpage.
Download list of spectra for this library.
NICODOM IR Inorganics, 1803 IR spectra of inorganics
Copyright © NICODOM 2006
NICODOM Ltd., Hlavni 2727, CZ-14100 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU
Tel: +420-281914970, Fax: +420-281914971